Frequently Asked Questions
How does the NBC work?
- School teacher acting as competition coordinator creates NBC school account. This is to be done only once for each school for 2024 NBC.
- Competition coordinator registers (and pays for) students for NBC after school account is approved by our team.
- Once a school has registered a number of students, they will provide students with a registration key so that they may individually register.
- A week before the contest, teachers will be provided with the information about how students can log into the competition website.
- On the day of the contest, students will write the contest on their laptop/school computer under the supervision of teacher(s) or staff member(s).
- Results will be sent to the competition coordination upon completion of marking.
- Awards will be sent to top-performing students and schools. For more details, check the following link
I am a student. Can I register without a teacher?
Unfortunately, no. Students cannot register individually from their school as we require a teacher to proctor the exam. We recommend sending this opportunity to your school and encouraging them to register!
My teacher gave me my student key, what do I do now?
Visit steps-for-students for detailed instructions on how to register
I am school teacher, how do I register my students for the competition?
Visit steps-for-schools for detailed instructions on how to register.
When does registration close for the 2025 competition?
School coordinators have until 11:59pm ET April 15 to buy seats for their school, students must register using their student key by 11:59pm ET April 16.
I am having a technical issue with the registration portal (e.g. an infinite load screen), what should I do?
Please email us a with the error or issue along with the email for the account your are using during the registration.
Do you accept cheque payments or direct deposits?
No, we only accept credit/debit card payments
Can you provide an invoice?
We currently do not have the capacity to provide invoices, you will receive payment receipts through Moneris after you purchase seats for your students.
The Exam
Is the exam online or on paper?
Online only.
How long is the exam?
75 minutes
Is the exam a single exam that can be written by students in grades 9-12 or is it a leveled exam with students writing an exam based on their grade level?
It is a single exam taken by all students between grades 9-12.
How is this online test administered?
Before exam day, students must be registered with their school to take the exam. On exam day, students go to https:/ and will be given a personal exam code by their teacher/administrator/proctor. They will take the exam under the supervision of their teacher/administrator/proctor.
When is the 2025 exam?
You will take the exam some time between 10am April 17 and 4am April 18 ET. Your school will select the specific time the exam is sat.
Can we (the school) choose the time during the school day when students will write the exam?
You may choose what time you want to hold the exam at your school, as long as it starts and ends between the specified exam window. However, we recommend schools in Canada hold the exam between 1:00-3:30pm (local time) so that it is sat at the same time as neighbouring schools.
Does the exam have to be proctored?
Yes, it is a requirement that a school teacher/administrator (or, in certain cases, a company tutor) proctor the exam, and they must proctor at least 3 students. A single teacher/administrator should proctor no more than 30 students, and schools with more than 30 students sitting the exam should have additional proctors.
Are there any requirements for proctors, i.e. could any teacher or administrator invigilate?
Any teacher or school administrator may proctor the exam.
Do we need to provide the technology used for students to write the exam? If so, what are the requirements for that technology?
The exam is taken on the computer via an internet browser, so schools need to ensure all students have access to a computer with internet access for this exam. These computers should have one of the following browsers installed: Chrome, Firefox, Edge or Safari.
Are any exam materials allowed?
Students may not bring any materials to the exam; however the proctor may hand out scrap paper to students (this should be collected after the exam).
Can a teacher take the exam?
Unfortunately, this is not possible during the exam period, however the exam and answer key will be posted on our site late May.
Contact Us
If you have a question or concern that has not been addressed by the FAQ above, please reach out to us at